23 October 2017

As the first half-term of the new academic year draws to a close, pupils and staff at St. George’s School were delighted to welcome representatives from the Gideon Society.
In what has been an annual event for the school for over 40yrs, copies of the New Testament were presented to every year 7 pupil. Addressing the pupils, Mr. Terry Smith talked about the generous and loving ‘Creator’ God Christians believe can be encountered through its pages.
The presentation came during an act of worship at the end of Year 7’s Spirituality Day which had taken ‘Courage to be and to act’ as its theme. During Spirituality Day pupils had enjoyed lessons reflecting on the theme and thinking about people from the fields of religion, science, sport and elsewhere, who, by following their convictions, stood out from the crowd.
Rev. Helen Houston, the School Chaplain, speaking after the event added: “I still have my copy of the New Testament presented to me by the Gideons when I was a teenager. I wouldn’t have described myself as a Christian back then, and yet I found the book they gave me a really helpful source of comfort and advice to dip into. I’ll be encouraging our pupils to take the time to discover this for themselves.”
Mr. Smith was accompanied by long-serving Gideons Mrs Sylvia Holgarth, and Mr John and Mrs Christine Cookson, who helped distribute the books.