19 December 2017

“Jesus was homeless himself”, Chris Buckley, Lincoln College lead at
St. George’s school, said by way of explaining the school’s decision to support ‘Streetlife’ this Christmas.
“It was only because of the good will of others in Bethlehem that the Holy Family had a roof over their heads in the first place. We hope the school’s contribution to the work of this wonderful local charity will bring some Christmas cheer to those who find themselves struggling at this festive time.”
Rachel Day, the Under-18’s worker from Streetlife, who collected the donation from the school in her car was delighted with the haul, “It really is a fantastic response, especially from a Secondary School”, she said. “You can see my car’s packed. In fact I’m going to have to make another trip, there’s so much of it!”
Each of the 45 forms that make up the Church of England Academy had been given the task of collecting items they’d like to find in a hamper or stocking at Christmas time. Many decorated their boxes with wrapping paper, tinsel and Christmas messages.
Mr. Warnock, Headteacher, commented, “’Loving our neighbours as ourselves’ is a key part of our Christian ethos at St. George’s. I just want to thank our pupils and their families for their generosity and support.”