23 March 2018

The excitement of the holidays may be fast approaching, but pupils at St. George’s School were reminded that Christians believe the joy associated with Easter came at a cost.
The team of 90 strong Spirituality Captains had gathered in the main hall to celebrate Palm Sunday – which falls this Sunday, 25thMarch – and the start of Holy Week with the blessing and distribution of palm crosses. The Christian Union also marked this occasion by walking and praying around the ‘Stations of the Cross’ (which are set at places around school), a traditional way to mark Holy Week
Addressing the pupils, Mr. Angus MacLeod, Chair of Governors and Administrator of the Bible Pattern Church in Blackpool, talked about what the cross meant to him. Mr. MacLeod closed his address by quoting words from his favourite hymn, ‘The Old Rugged Cross’:
Following the blessing of this year’s palm crosses by the chaplain, Rev. Helen Houston, the pupils were given a lesson in cross-making and treated to hot cross buns.