7 November 2018

Year 11 students at St. George’s School, A Church of England Academy, may have been hard at work preparing for their exams earlier this month, but they still found time to organise a food collection for Blackpool Food Bank to mark Harvest time.
Speaking after the deluge of donations, Mr. Chris Buckley, the Head of Year 11, commented: “The students themselves chose Blackpool Food Bank as their charity this year. When I looked into it, I can see why. The charity has calculated that there are some 9000 children living in Blackpool who are living below the poverty line. What an awful statistic for a wealthy country like ours!”
“We encourage our students at St. George’s to follow Jesus’ commandment that we should ‘love God….and love our neighbours as we love ourselves’. And I’m delighted to see such a whole-hearted, generous response from the school community as we give thanks for the harvest.”