29 January 2020

Yr.8 had an exciting visit to Blackpool Pleasure Beach as they hosted the annual 'Our Future Our Choice' careers event. Organised by Blackpool Community Guidance, the year 8 pupils also had access to training providers, and representatives from colleges, universities and professional bodies to
discuss their different career options. Exhibitors included Blackpool Pleasure Beach, British Aerospace, Marine Engineering, Sainsbury’s, Lancaster University and Teacher Training. The event aims to ensure that young people understand the link between success in school and their future career. Sponsored by the Blackpool Opportunity Area, Blackpool Sixth Form, Blackpool and The Fylde College and Education Business Partnership (NW), the guidance event is now in its twelfth year of helping students understand more about their career options and what they need to achieve their goals. David Brennand, who helped to organise the event, said: “This event is designed to inspire and aspire young people and help them make positive decisions about their futures. “It is a great way to make the link between the curriculum and the careers for the future and to give so many pupils a chance to talk to inspiring industry experts which will help them prepare for their next steps.